Democratic Double Standard
Let's say you where given a $100 bill. The bill is counterfeit, but you still pass it along. We all know that each of us would be criminally liable. Bottom line: in big trouble.
Isn't that EXACTLY what happened with CBS and Dan Rather? He received a bill (bill of goods, that is) knew it was at the very least questionable, and at the most total bogus - YET, he chose to still pass it off as a the real McCoy. In the real world, you and I for doing the same exact thing, we would be talking to the authorities and trying our damaged to keep our butts out of jail. Yet, when you are in the Media you can get away with it, or even pass the buck down line and not suffer any ramifications. In short, this type of "gunk" goes on all the time in the media and they keep getting way with it.
The media claim to be unbiased. Claims to verify and cross verify ALL the facts and details. And, they make this FACT a CORNERSTONE of their standing on their high-and-mighty soapbox, they THEY ARE NOT BIAS AND ONLY REPORT THE TRUTH. Well I can tell you from a first hand report, as a former media player myself, who went on to build a large company ONLY to see it go up in flames - the MEDIA does not care about truths or facts, all they care about is their personal agenda, personal politics and personal vendettas. It's the addictive power that comes from being a wimp with no life, no goals, who hates America and thinks they can play God and reach out from their computer and "pass judgment" (yes, you do detect a bitter tone to my rant here).
But how about this? How come there can't be investigators who investigate news journalist? You know, feed them a bogus-crap filled story and see if they take the bait? Give them phony phone numbers manned by associates and see IF they even try to verified a story. Catch the biased-journalist at their very own game?
America in general seem to thinks that headlines are REAL and represent facts, yet all who are educated KNOW THEY ARE NOT. Why not turn their own game on them? Unseat the old Liberal Chronies! Turn the "equal representation under the law" they so love to embrace and make sure that there is a Liberal AND Conservative view on EVERY story. Use what works on Cable TV and have all reporters be pair in polar-opposite teams. Better yet, if we are going to give someone the un-monitored power to bring stories to the public, then about how about rather than Newsgroup Affiliation like AP-UP how about they have to disclose their last 10 year Political and religious Orientation? At least that way, we can gauge their reporting by their social, political and religious thinking.
There is a germ of an idea here- let's flesh it out! What do you think?
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