New Voters and what it really means to VOTE!
Yesterday, in my state, it was the last day one could register to vote. I have always been a registered voter, but I just recently moved to another city and county in my state and needed to re-register. I chose to do so in person, even though I could of have done it through the mail. Simply because I did not want to trust the US Post Office and wanted to see the registration stamped valid in person.
My five year old son went with me. He was on a day off from school so he could attend our state fair, but such plans were cancled due to heavy storms that had rolled in the night before. So we headed off to the distant county court house to get "Registered To Vote". The rain storm was huge and the streets were flooded. A few times my son became very concerned about our journey and safety, but I assured him we were safe.
After getting to the courthouse, and arriving soaking wet from just running in from the parking lot, we entered the Voter Registration office to find it PACKED! Not just people trying to register, but tons of county workers. You would of thought this was a state highway project with so many workers, you know, one person doing the work and 25 people supervising. But, we got registered to vote even though our day was soaking wet.
On the way home, my young five year old son gave me the best and most sage political advice I have ever recieved. He said, "Dad, I love George W. Bush and I want him to stay President. We pray for him at night and he loves God, so I want George Bush to be our President". Besides, he continued "John Kerry shouldn't be President!" I asked my young son why? He said, "John Kerry is okay and I love the way his face goes back and fourth and he is really funny, but he should still keep on being Ace Ventura and not the President. He's better at that!".
I laughed. Of course, my son confused John Kerry with Jim Carey, but you know what? He really had it right. President George Bush is proud to proclaim his Christian Faith and his belief in God and America. John Kerry on the other hand, is more of an entertainer reading a script. A script designed to pull ratings, get views and ultimately votes. A script that will do what ever it takes to get votes, instead of what ever it takes to keep America safe and strong. His face and his positions do go back and forth and he ultimately stands for what is WRONG with America instead of what is GREAT about America.
That is what America is all about. Voting for what we believe is right, for what we live and support and if God and Faith are not at the center of that, how can we even call our vote meaningful for the future of America. God Bless America and George W. Bush.
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