Man or Myth?

To start this post off correctly I have to thank Nate (see previous article's response) who actually gave me the idea for this article.
You see, Nate posted a response to one of my articles, and like thousands of others they "think" they know me and who I am - or more importantly what I stand for. Nate thought he (or she) knew me and asked me -
- "nate_public said...
Hey, it's the cuecat dude! I just found this site. I can't believe you're actually blogging. And I REALLY can't believe you have kids, man, that sucks. What do they think about you? Do you tell them you're an award-winning visionary, an accomplished businessman, and a former "sex-master"? This is hilarious, seriously. I still think this is all just a slashdot prank. If it is, it's freaking funny."
Thus, the article topic "Man or Myth?" I find that most people either know me from my television program or my film work OR they know me from my Technology days and the vapid press flurry that ensued going from Wall Street Golden Boy Paper Billionaire to Technology Titanic. Either way, most THINK they know me. Here's how I look at it.
You can't chart new waters without making waves, and that's what I do - chart NEW waters.
My skill set is boldness, vision, massive creativity, guts, balls (big ones), determination and drive. So I am the guy who takes a vision and makes it happen. That's why we created and syndicated the 6th longest running episodic television program right here in Dallas WITHOUT the help of Hollywood and NYC. It took guts and tons of naive ignorance. But on the other hand, I admire people who can do what I can' those who take pleasure in serving people everyday, i.e., waitstaff. I could no more smile, run food and drinks back and forth and deal with all kinds of intolerant people. NOW THAT TAKES GUTS! I could never do that.
I can do what I do - build million dollar opportunites out of nothing, in my sleep. To me it's fun and not even working. But I could never serve people, run a restaurant, be a police officer (they do NOT get enough credit), work in the Texas heat on a Texas Highway or anything like that. The people that do that are the real myth's - "How and the hell can they put up with it?"" I salute, honor and have immense respect for what you do.
So yeah, you may read about me with Steven Speilberg or me having such a powerful meeting that the President of Coke said "He set my hair on fire!", but that's what I do. BUT most of all THAT IS NOT WHO I AM. I am a father first and foremost. Simple man, simple taste and very contrary to popular opinion and press - A VERY laidback guy (now). I am closer to the GOOD'Ol BOY fishing on the weekends (see attached article photo) than the Super Human - Fearless and Dangerous Myth that seems to be forever lurking over my shoulder or creeping up behind me all the time (see attached article photo).
I walk my son to and from school. When I have my son I don't do metings, dates, conferences or travel. I MUST have Starbucks every morning. Usually in bed by 9:00 p.m. Cook for myself and have no household help or nanny's for me or my son (yes, there was the period I had 5 full time household staff, but now I am REAL and not tying to be something I am not). I am one of over 160 Grand, Great Grand and Great Great Grand Children. I still say Yes Sir and Yes Mam. I won't walk into a friends or family members home without them opening the door first (It's a respect issue). I pull over -Highway or not- for a Funeral Procession passing by and turn my headlights on out of respect. I don't zip in and out of traffic. I don't speed. Two beers has me spinning. I'm still to shy to ask a beautiful woman out even when I have the urge (and I have missed many opportunites that way). When I am with someone and they take a cell phone call I leave the table or room so they can have some privacy. There is NO alcohol at ANY of my family functions. My Grandmother still ruled the house at 103 (God Bless her soul). I still tell my 73 year old dad I love him and kiss him when I see him. I journal daily and have for years. I pray many times A DAY. I attend Church, both Christian and Messianic Jewish Temple. I read a book a week on average.
In all, I am an VERY average guy who has and has had a BIG career. But the career is just that - a career- NOT who I am. I am simple and nothing special. The fact that I am one of the Top 3 "searched for" Internet inquiries in D/FW (see D Magazine) really freaks me out! Why am I news? Who cares about me being seen at a restaurant having lunch?
I am a normal guy - don't date around- party or such. Homebody. You would more likely catch me on a tractor in the field or with my son out, than at a Paris Vendome or Nakita's. But, one thing I have learned is Myth's are hard to kill. So to those who think they know the Myth -IF you see me out and about, come up introduce yourself and get to know the real guy. And to those who know the real me and have taken the time to get to discover and explore the real me- Thanks and I love ya for it!
I had the pleassure of meeting u tonight and after coming home and reading a bit bout u ! I am shocked at what a funny and nice guy u are and most of all not big headed at all, and truly Mr Pulitzer I am glad to have met u ! -amber
That's my vote. I have only known you for a short time and did not realize until now that YOU were J. Hutton Pulitzer. I see you almost everyday, as I am one of those people who serve you your much needed coffee of the day.
The funny thing about you is that you are just a regular guy, but at the same time there is something mythic about you.
It has been a pleasure knowing you; as an author whom I have admired for years and as one of my favorite "regulars" at Starbucks.
Coffee Bean
Hey, Jovan, you write these comments yourself? I guess that's what it takes to be a self-promoter.
Dear Hiding Behind Your Computer: Although you present a good idea (guess it's worked for you in the past), this is not the case.
As far as being a self promoter - I embrace it, accept it and IF you can't and aren't willing to promote yourself - then who will?
Since it ALL begins with the INDIVIDUAL.
BUT consider this - Anonymous- What have you done lately?
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