Can I Get An AMEN?

Can I Get An AMEN?
That was one of the last words I focused in on when I was first exposed to this – this – THIS – Charismatic Preacher. But, I really this I could swap Charismatic with Kleptomaniac (LOL).
Most who know me, know that I have perused a life long interest in Theology – Specifically the field of Apologetics. My interests this area has already been very intense and aside from being a Messianic Jew myself (for a brief explanation of such “Today there are over 200 Messianic Synagogues in the United States and approximately 50 in Israel. The movement's rapid growth continues, with new congregations being started in the former Soviet Union, Latin America, and in key cities around the world. Messianic Jewish followers of Jesus use His Hebrew name -- Yeshua (which means "salvation") -- and are committed to preserving their Jewish identity, believing it to be perfectly compatible with their newfound faith. They celebrate the Jewish feasts, meet on the Sabbath, teach from the Torah, celebrate Bar Mitzvahs and engage in other Jewish customs. Messianic synagogues are formed by Jewish and Gentile members who worship together and who recognize the Messiahship of Yeshua and the Jewish foundation of His message), I have always attended Christian Churches, attend Traditional Christian Seminary for Supplemental Education and explored other Churches and other faiths. I regularly attend my Messianic Synagogue on Saturday and then Christian Churches on Sunday.
But rarely will I actually write about a Preacher, but; I have to write about this Comic Book Character Posing as a Man Of God and Pentecostal Preacher.
This fellow’s church is no more than 1000 yards away from my Neighborhood and I thought it would be great to find a Christian Church to attend “right across the street” rather than trek the 45 minutes I have to attend the Christian Church I have been attending. So I dropped in one Sunday. First Impressions? As I pulled in the Church parking lot which promised a “Celebration” the first thing I noticed was the initial 5 or 6 parking spaces you reach (in fact they are a separate cubby unto themselves) are marked in huge letters and LARGE SIGNS “Reserved For Preacher”. Imaging the type of signage that would be normally found in a Hospital Entrance for “Emergency Vehicles ONLY!”
The first thought that ran to my mind was (1) this is not very welcoming, and (2) wow – this is for the Preacher! – SHOULD be welcoming FIRST TIME VISITORS! This Preacher MUST think he is God’s Gift to his Congregation. But, I put the negative thoughts away and walked in. The inside was a nice new building, not too flashy and the people attending to the attendees were all dressed “Hip and Cool” and seemed to be tan – very tanned (in the dead of winter). Headed for the assembly hall and it was sparse, but a huge stage. Horrible chairs and they were trying to make the sermon be multi-media (as all the rage here in Texas and across the country), but they seemed to be just getting started and doing it all on a shoestring. You know, when we have the budget in the coffers, we’ll upgrade!
Then the show began. Mrs. Big Hair came out and sang. A cross between old school Tammy Faye Baker, meets John Bon Jovi on stage (since we was accompanied by a Lead Guitarists with spiked hair). After a while you learn she is the Co-Pastor (the new stage name for a Preacher’s wife). Then here comes the Preacher (who set an impression in my mind as to the HUGE state of HIS mind), and sure enough – he went right along with Smiley Tammy Faye. He was tanned, hip, cool, blinged, open shirted (did I mention the tan was fake?), multi-chained (think “Denny Terrio and Dance Fever”), expensive shoed AND the Coup-de-Grace? This guy was wearing a ROLEX and about four highly jeweled rings.
The only thing this guy did not flash was a gold-diamond-studded tooth!
His message? Well his message was about “How you need to support the church to help it grow and get God’s message out (for my Messianic Brothers and Sisters – G-d’s)”. This fellow was asking for financial support WHILE wearing thousands of dollars of expensive jewelry and clothes and working MORE on being hip than helpful. Talk about Self-Appointed and Self-Anointed. I could not leave the service fast enough and have never been back to that Church (although it is VERY convenient to my home). There was just something wrong about a Preacher wearing a Rolex with his WELCOME TO MY RESEVERVED PARKING SPACE Church. It did not set well with me.
Now why would I write about this story IF it happened last winter? First, I Jesus was here now – he would be hanging out with me! Why? Not because I am good or great, but because I am SO SINFUL, have such a dark past AND can think and act on some pretty horrible things. I embrace it. Jesus would be working on me to make an example out of me. I would embrace him! So with that said, I don’t write this from a “hoity toity” position, but from a lay man – bonafide sinners position. Give me a Preacher who is grounded and real, not caught is in Consumerism. Give me a Pastor who I can emulate his actions not his dress code and jewelry habits. Let me hear from a Rabbi who has “been there and done that” only to become better, not one who has “big hair and dresses PHAT!” I want my Cha-Ching to bless the Church NOT the Preacher’s Bling-Bling! Know what I mean?
Oh, I almost forgot. Why would I just now write about this Sad Secularized Preacher experience, when this all happened month’s ago?
I ran into to him at the car wash this morning. Him fresh out of his service, holding court with a really shapely young thing, goo-gooing and gaga-ing over his tan body and bleached teeth. Not that there was anything really wrong with that – she was cute. But he was just getting his NEW BMW 760 Li Sedan MSRP $118,900 -cleaned and waxed EVEN THOUGH THE PAPER PLATES were 10 DAYS OLD! Am I being too cynical? What do you think?
I have to laugh, I think I know exactly which church you are talking about. We went there a few times, but got fed up with the "show", and their incessant imploring to give to the church so that we can get heavens rewards here on earth. Good luck with your search for good Christian teaching.
I have to laugh, I think I know exactly which church you are talking about. We went there a few times, but got fed up with the "show", and their incessant imploring to give to the church so that we can get heavens rewards here on earth. Good luck with your search for good Christian teaching.
You are the last person who needs to be commenting on Christianity since you have yet to walk the walk, that you claim to be so knowledgeable about. Try getting right with yourself before you start condemning others.
Well, once again an ANONYMOUS posting. Why share your word, if you are not willing to stand in the open about your word?
It was once said, "Let him with out sin, cast the first stone". Remember that one. No stones cast in my post, just observations of a church goer. Maybe next time you'll come out from behind your computer and we can have a real dialog?
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