Things Are NOT Always As They Seem

I did an interview for the Wall Street Journal the other day. Spent over an hour on the phone rehashing the Dot Bomb Era and and my own Pussy Galore ;} a.k.a CueCat with a rather personal online reporter.
Seems I am always being interviewed about the Digital Days and it always seems most start out wanting to dish the same dirt, but after awhile many realize there really was something there and unique and that - that point in time in history was very unique - and there is a bigger story than the 'World's Greatest Salesman Sells The World" angle-slash-hack-dot-bust one.
Timing is everything. Just ask Bill Gates. I ran into him in Dallas while he was here for a Microsoft Conference, and I could not help over breakfast reflect on the THREE BILLS. No, not the "Queer as a Three Dollar Bill" saying that really fits well with the lifestyle of most local magazine and rag newspaper editors, but the THREE DIFFERENT BILLS, i.e., (1) Bill the Billionaire, (2) Bill the "I want to own the world" fictitious character made use by sexually repressed Geeks who "Love to Hate", and (3) Bill the real guy who eats breakfast just like all of use, and puts his clothes on just like all of us. Thus the saying:
When I was on ABC and FOX TV and doing the Internet Correspondent Reporting gig, all I would hear about was "Bill Gates wants to own the World", "Bill Gates is the Anti-Christ", "Microsoft wants to monitor all you do on your PC" and I can relate to my own Pussy Galore Experiences and realize, that no matter what you do, no matter how well (or poor) you do it, there are ALWAYS more people who want to shoot you down rather than boost you up. This seems to be especially true of "Geeks Hiding Behind Computers", "Local Market Rag Writers" and "Jump On The Band Wagon - Can't come up with an original idea of my own Bloggers and Flops"- case and point - an old employee who I had remove Gargoyle Statues from his office 8 years ago and he STILL post about that today! That's ALOT of wasted time and thought on something as insigificant as me and the act which I committed. Get a life.
That brought my Bill Gates reflection into sharp focus: " Thought Leaders forging pathways will sometimes fail, but the true failures are those who can't muster an original thought!"
So BILL #2 is really a myth and a geek form of "true penis envy", and as Bill Gates SHOULD say, "You don't need a big Dong, when you have a billion bucks!" Take that envious hate posters!
But BILL #1 is Real. He is a mega-Billionaire, but BEFORE he IS Bill Gates the Billionaire he WAS and IS and ALWAYS WILL BE, Bill Gates the real guy. Great mind, great drive, father, husband and now benevelonant benefactor to the world.
We really owe much to Bill, Steve and crew because with out them there would quite possible be NO Internet, no blogs, no email and no DIGITAL anything. In fact, IF it was not for BILL, geeks could not post HATE MESSAGES about Bill and Microsoft. Gives you pause. Think about it. He takes the heat and verbal abuse for doing a great job and making a million at a, and bec use he did what he did, you can post all kinds of "free-speech-hate". It's kinda like thinking about all the wires it takes just to make a wireless network. One was real work and the other we now take for granted.
So the point? It's easy to bitch, moan, complain, play the race card, skip school for meaningless protests and post anonmous post, but it's far far harder to create something from the ground up, leave your mark on the world and keep having great ideas for the world to develop.
As for me? No bitch, no moan, my time is too precious. There is ALWAYS MORE THAN MEETS the eye - even in the photo above.
Do something - Create Something!
Bill Gates was certainly an innovator and an effective businessman, but giving him credit for the Internet, email, blogs, etc.? That's nonsense. In fact MS was a latecomer to the Internet specifically because Bill Gates did not think it was relevant to their business plan (selling an OS and office software). The Internet was started by the US government and the Web was started by Tim Berners Lee; email is almost as old as the Internet, dating from 1971 by Ray Tomlinson; blogs started as a grassroots movement that had no ties to MS at all. Although IE is clearly the most successful browser right now, it was a direct copy of the much earlier Netscape browser. There was an Internet before Bill Gates and MS, and there will be one long after they are gone. Please get your facts straight.
Dear Hiding Behind Your it again. The point is...without Bill Gates - MICROSOFT and them owning the desktop and making it seamless and thanks to IE, we ALL have much more. That's it. But, I am sure it took you quite a while to look up your facts and I am sure you actually posted them using Internet Explorer - case and point. So, the facts presented stand, since it was a comment about marketing and NOT creation.
Come out, come out whoever you are! LOL
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