Nuclear Isolation – Nuclear Desolation

Tensions and Ideology Isolation between the West and Iran escalated yesterday when hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad confidently that Iran had joined the world's nuclear nations by successfully enriching uranium. You know, not Enriched White Bread, but Enriched Uranium the critical component to launching a “melt-down of everything as we know it”!
Ahmadinejad insisted Tehran was only interested in peaceful nuclear power and was not pursuing nuclear weapons, but then again he supports the beheading of Americans as his “Religious Right” and the destruction of Israel as a “necessary evil”. NOT really someone who word you can fully trust if you look at the indisputable facts. Nuke Mahmoud’s comments were made on national television comes with speculation, convenient leakage or an “in-your-face-go-ahead-and-make-my-day play” that Washington has begun planning air attacks against Iran.
"Defiant statements and actions only further isolate the regime from the rest of the world, and further isolate the Iranian people," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. But something tells me that Nuke-Mahmoud feels he is actually making a statement of Consolidation – “Consolidating hate for America and the West and Consolidating the Radical Islamic Nations together”.
Now here is a paradox for you:
Greeny-Wennie Peace Nics who hate America (but in fact live in America – but I won’t call them Americans) in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s protested AGAINST NUKES, do you think now they will rush over to Iran and strap themselves to the reactors and labs and protest FOR Iran’s right to have NUKES? That just about how the two-faced left side works. Against Religion in America, but FOR Religion in a third world Nation as long as they Hate America, Kill Americans, and want socialism! You watch some leftist will step up to DEFEND Iran’s right to Nuclear manufacturing and weapons.
In Washington, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said "The US is on a diplomatic track. That is the President's decision. That's where our European allies are. There is obviously concern about Iran. It's a country that supports terrorists. It's a country that has indicated an interest in having weapons of mass destruction.”
So, the facts are: Iran supports terrorists, hates America, wants weapons of mass destruction and currently has Israel and American hating Nuke-Mahmoud at the helm. What do YOU think is best for our country?
IF the threats are real and Nuke-Mahmoud keeps posturing and stirring up the Radical Islamic Terrorists, then I for one who be willing to support a swift dose of Nuclear Desolation in that American Hating Nation! How about you? Are you for Nation Preservation?
"Now here is a paradox for you:
Greeny-Wennie Peace Nics who hate America (but in fact live in America – but I won’t call them Americans) in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s protested AGAINST NUKES, do you think now they will rush over to Iran and strap themselves to the reactors and labs and protest FOR Iran’s right to have NUKES? That just about how the two-faced left side works."
Haha. This is a wonderfully fallacious statement to make. One would actually believe that those radical, anti-nuclear Peace Nics (sic) would be against ANY nation having nuclear weapons. Way to Poison the Well.
"Against Religion in America, but FOR Religion in a third world Nation as long as they Hate America, Kill Americans, and want socialism! You watch some leftist will step up to DEFEND Iran’s right to Nuclear manufacturing and weapons.
In Washington, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said 'The US is on a diplomatic track. That is the President's decision. That's where our European allies are. There is obviously concern about Iran. It's a country that supports terrorists. It's a country that has indicated an interest in having weapons of mass destruction.'
So, the facts are: Iran supports terrorists, hates America, wants weapons of mass destruction and currently has Israel and American hating Nuke-Mahmoud at the helm. What do YOU think is best for our country?
IF the threats are real and Nuke-Mahmoud keeps posturing and stirring up the Radical Islamic Terrorists, then I for one who be willing to support a swift dose of Nuclear Desolation in that American Hating Nation! How about you? Are you for Nation Preservation?"
What is sad to me is that you believe that what Rumsfeld has said could be enough to initiate a pre-emptive Nuclear strike against Iran. This would most likely, in turn intensify the ill feelings directed towards Americans and probably subject us to more 'terrorist' attacks.
Let us not forget that people in the government suspect that there have been sales of Nuclear material to 'Rogue Nations' so it would appear to me that a strike by us could result in a stepping up in tactics and maybe, possibly result in a Mutally Assured Destruction scenario.
Of course, that would be ideal wouldn't it? Up the 'terror attacks' so there would be an increase in Government and Military spending. Mass 'interventions' in other countries, thus extending the reach of the US in more parts of the globe-perhaps securing natural resources for us?
Oh my. I just came off as a Peace Nic (sic) didn't I? Apologies around.
Okay, Anonymous - I'll stand behind and defend my words:
1. Terrorists work of TERROR NOT of Mutually Assured Distruction. So - even though - there have been weapons sent to "Rouge Nations", there is not one NATION that would take the hit or initiate the hit - why - America would wipe them off the face of the Earth.
2. You switched my words to mean "I believe what Rumsfled says" NO - I believe what "Nuke-Mahmoud" - by you ISOLATING "Rumsfeld" in my words, ONLY shows you are an immature and probally YOUNG person who takes the "left party line and talking points" and thinks the are having a political discussion. How about some original thought here. What about debating "Nuke-Mahmoud" instead of your shallow "check lists ideas"? What would YOU do about Iran and Nukes?
3. YOU SAID "intensify the ill feelings directed towards Americans and probably subject us to more 'terrorist' attacks", this again tips your YOUNG MIND's Hand, America has always been hated. Always will be hated and nothing WILL CHANGE THAT. Why? we have FREEDOM - of thought-speech-prayer-religion and values/morals (both ways to have or have not), this and this alone makes our nation Hated. WE, as American do it right, although we are ona fast trac to distroying what we have built. So, America will ALWAYS BE hated - EVEN WHILE they - the ROUGE NATIONS included take our financial help, military help and economic support. So, it is no about BEING LIKED as leftys put it, this is BIGGER - it's about PROTECTING AMERICAN AND OUR WAY OF LIFE!
4. And your closing statement is a joke. I am a child of an IMMIGRANT from GERMANY. We liberated Germany and what natural resouse did we claim as ours? BMW's you idiot? Nothing? We liberated France too, did get conquer to get Dannon and Perrier? No you idot, we have 56,000 AMERICAN Service Men burried in France alone - liberating them for their country and their good, sot hye can have the FREEDOM TO SELLS US PERRIER. Natural Resources - what a "left party line joke" GET A CLUE or get another country where your shallow thinking will be embraced.
I am sure you have someone in your past that fought to defend America and it's FREEDOMS. I know they would roll over in their grave knowning their ancestors wasted their FREEDOMS raising an "ALSO RAN". Remember it's way, way easier to spit up left party line poop, then stand up for your Nation.
But then again, you showed YOU stand for nothing or the UNKNOWN - Mr/Ms. Anonymous.
Okay, Anonymous - I'll stand behind and defend my words:
1. Terrorists work of TERROR NOT of Mutually Assured Distruction. So - even though - there have been weapons sent to "Rouge Nations", there is not one NATION that would take the hit or initiate the hit - why - America would wipe them off the face of the Earth.
2. You switched my words to mean "I believe what Rumsfled says" NO - I believe what "Nuke-Mahmoud" - by you ISOLATING "Rumsfeld" in my words, ONLY shows you are an immature and probally YOUNG person who takes the "left party line and talking points" and thinks the are having a political discussion. How about some original thought here. What about debating "Nuke-Mahmoud" instead of your shallow "check lists ideas"? What would YOU do about Iran and Nukes?
3. YOU SAID "intensify the ill feelings directed towards Americans and probably subject us to more 'terrorist' attacks", this again tips your YOUNG MIND's Hand, America has always been hated. Always will be hated and nothing WILL CHANGE THAT. Why? we have FREEDOM - of thought-speech-prayer-religion and values/morals (both ways to have or have not), this and this alone makes our nation Hated. WE, as American do it right, although we are ona fast trac to distroying what we have built. So, America will ALWAYS BE hated - EVEN WHILE they - the ROUGE NATIONS included take our financial help, military help and economic support. So, it is no about BEING LIKED as leftys put it, this is BIGGER - it's about PROTECTING AMERICAN AND OUR WAY OF LIFE!
4. And your closing statement is a joke. I am a child of an IMMIGRANT from GERMANY. We liberated Germany and what natural resouse did we claim as ours? BMW's you idiot? Nothing? We liberated France too, did get conquer to get Dannon and Perrier? No you idot, we have 56,000 AMERICAN Service Men burried in France alone - liberating them for their country and their good, sot hye can have the FREEDOM TO SELLS US PERRIER. Natural Resources - what a "left party line joke" GET A CLUE or get another country where your shallow thinking will be embraced.
I am sure you have someone in your past that fought to defend America and it's FREEDOMS. I know they would roll over in their grave knowning their ancestors wasted their FREEDOMS raising an "ALSO RAN". Remember it's way, way easier to spit up left party line poop, then stand up for your Nation.
But then again, you showed YOU stand for nothing or the UNKNOWN - Mr/Ms. Anonymous.
”1. Terrorists work of TERROR NOT of Mutually Assured Distruction. So - even though - there have been weapons sent to "Rouge Nations", there is not one NATION that would take the hit or initiate the hit - why - America would wipe them off the face of the Earth.”
I admit, the fact that the US has the largest Nuclear capability out of any nation may be enough to deter nations from attacking us outright, but, and I am posturing here, there is always the possibility of “Terrorist” organizations using Nuclear devices as retaliatory acts.
”2. You switched my words to mean "I believe what Rumsfled says" NO - I believe what "Nuke-Mahmoud" - by you ISOLATING "Rumsfeld" in my words, ONLY shows you are an immature and probally YOUNG person who takes the "left party line and talking points" and thinks the are having a political discussion. How about some original thought here. What about debating "Nuke-Mahmoud" instead of your shallow "check lists ideas"? What would YOU do about Iran and Nukes?”
Alright, let’s ignore Rumsfeld for a moment. I can do that. Politically, I don’t give a damn if Iran has Nukes. They aren’t a member of the Non-Proliferation treaty so they are not bound to the same rules and regulations that member states are.
As for Mahmoud’s anti-US stance, I don’t really care. Same for his anti-Israeli stance. His loud-mouthed and inflammatory practices are no different than the religious zealots that we have here who are preaching a pro-Zionist, anti-Islamic agenda.
Personally, I would like to see NO nation have any sort of Nuclear weaponry. Since I don’t see that happening anytime soon, the least I can do is hope that this world is never in a situation where Nuclear weapons are to be used again.
“3. YOU SAID "intensify the ill feelings directed towards Americans and probably subject us to more 'terrorist' attacks", this again tips your YOUNG MIND's Hand, America has always been hated. Always will be hated and nothing WILL CHANGE THAT. Why? we have FREEDOM - of thought-speech-prayer-religion and values/morals (both ways to have or have not), this and this alone makes our nation Hated. WE, as American do it right, although we are ona fast trac to distroying what we have built. So, America will ALWAYS BE hated - EVEN WHILE they - the ROUGE NATIONS included take our financial help, military help and economic support. So, it is no about BEING LIKED as leftys put it, this is BIGGER - it's about PROTECTING AMERICAN AND OUR WAY OF LIFE!”
Jealous of our freedoms? Right. I still don’t see any proof for this argument that has been thrown around for years now, moreso after September 11. I think what sets you and I apart is the fact that you see everything that “we” as a country are doing, the American Way of Life ™, as the right way. Anything that comes into opposition to this must be wrong, and anyone who voices something different is a leftist, or crazy, or whatever term you prefer. This mentality seems indicative of your generation, whereas my generation (yes, I am young in the 18-25 crowd), it would appear that many of “us” are starting to realize that we can’t have it all. That we can’t carry on in the “whatever it takes” fashion.
Yes, we love our country and our freedoms, but it is becoming painfully aware that spreading ideas like Free-Market Democracy or pushing outdated morals and religious values on other cultures may not be the best ideas out there.
America started out as a young punk-ass country that thumbed it’s nose at anyone and everyone. We kept our actions self-serving and ignored the needs of others unless it further our cause. Sadly, it’s coming back to us.
“4. And your closing statement is a joke. I am a child of an IMMIGRANT from GERMANY. We liberated Germany and what natural resouse did we claim as ours? BMW's you idiot? Nothing? We liberated France too, did get conquer to get Dannon and Perrier? No you idot, we have 56,000 AMERICAN Service Men burried in France alone - liberating them for their country and their good, sot hye can have the FREEDOM TO SELLS US PERRIER. Natural Resources - what a "left party line joke" GET A CLUE or get another country where your shallow thinking will be embraced.”
Haha. That statement really made me laugh. First, your extended analogy of liberating Germany and France doesn’t really bolster your argument at all. But, going with it; no, we didn’t get Natural resources. What we did get was the ideal groundwork for the financial institutions (Bretton-Woods Agreement) that gave rise to the World Bank and IMF. These institutions of Capitalism have done a great deal to decrease tariffs and protections while opening up under-developed countries to Free Trade and all that comes with it. The striking away of laws, increased debts, increases in Power-dominant minorities and much of this has been beneficial to helping preserve the American Way of Life ™ So yeah, we didn’t immediately get access to resources that were natural, but we got cheap labor and capital, all the while not caring how it affected those countries. Which, oh my gosh, sounds like many of the reasons those big, bad, mean people don’t like us.
”I am sure you have someone in your past that fought to defend America and it's FREEDOMS. I know they would roll over in their grave knowning their ancestors wasted their FREEDOMS raising an "ALSO RAN". Remember it's way, way easier to spit up left party line poop, then stand up for your Nation. “
The only war that I feel was justified with the “fighting for our freedoms” joke would be the Revolutionary War to gain Independence from Britain. All other wars, I see them only for their economic gains/losses. So yes, I have had family members fight in wars for America, and yes, they were patriotic, but they knew that the wars were not for our Freedom of granted in the constitution. They knew something else was going on.
”But then again, you showed YOU stand for nothing or the UNKNOWN - Mr/Ms. Anonymous.”
I have many things I stand for my friend, but, like I said earlier, many are in opposition of what you want. I love America. I truly do. But I, and my generation have to clean up and deal with the mess that you and your generation leave us.
Well Anonymous, I am surprised you actually attempted a rebuff, but your still hiding and defending someting realy should be done in the open. But to address EACH of your rebuffs, I add the following:
POINT 1: To YOUR COMMENT "there is always the possibility of “Terrorist” organizations using Nuclear devices as retaliatory act" - wel my friend - this has ben a reality since the close of the Cold War and the dissolution of the USSR. So, we as American's have lived under this POTENTIAL threat for decades, but yet here we are and we (America) UNFORTUNATELY pays and paves the way for the rest of the world. You couch us as BAD, but yet we still PAY our enemies so they can eat and feed their people. WE are the ones who play nice! At ANY time, the Rouge Sates can toss a NUke, and I actually believe it WILL happen someday, but at least they know WHEN THEY DO - CHECK MATE- the game is over and they come to a liquidfied end. Right now, power is on our side to keep that from happening. IN this case, HOPE BUYS SQUAT, Power BUYS PROTECTION!
YOUR POINT 2: YOUR point: "I don’t give a damn if Iran has Nukes. They aren’t a member of the Non-Proliferation treaty so they are not bound to the same rules and regulations that member states are", rules schmules! YOU SHOULD care that Iran has Nukes. The Treaty meas squat to them and to Nuke-Mahmoud. You think tey play by the rules ANYWAY? According to them "Cutting Off The Head Of A Christian" is FOLLOWING the RULES EXACTLY. So what difference does the rules make? What are you gonna do? Put them in "TIME OUT" IF they don't follow the rules?
As far as "As for Mahmoud’s anti-US stance, I don’t really care... His loud-mouthed and inflammatory practices are no different than the religious zealots.....
FIRST, do you homework in your Middle Easter Studies... you call and infer that I and others are the ZEALOTS, but the ZEALOTS were actually a faction of the Original Jews who followed the Biblical Teachings Literally, just as the Jihadists are now. The roles have reversed. Nuke-Mahmoud is NOT a loudmouth inflamer, but a ZEALOT who ahs a prime opportunity to go down in Middle Eastern Relegion and Politics as the one who "called out and punished Isreal and America". He is NOT hiding and he is OUT IN THE OPEN with NO CARES about economic reprocussions. HE IS a clear and present danger. Don't write him off as a loudmouth. He means what he says and WILL act on it!.
SECOND::: that we have here who are preaching a pro-Zionist, anti-Islamic agenda.
You are a GREAT STUDENT OF REGURGITATION and that, my friend is NOT somehting to be proud of. What IS Pro-Zionist? Do you even know? Where did it come from? How does that apply to us? Who IS Anti Islamic? America? WE ARE the LARGEST single contributor to their economy and financial well being? How are we ANTI-ISLAMIC? You're an IDOT, with a capital T. NOT an insult - just a fact. How can we be BOTH Islam's largest financial supporter and money prop AND be Anti-Islamic? You're an IDOT for buying the left "word play agenda". Study harder and quit be a Student of Regurgitated Slop!
SNIP from YOU:
"the least I can do is hope that this world is never in a situation where Nuclear weapons are to be used again"
HOPE? HOPE? How about going from HOPE and I need to be liked TO being STRONG and Dilligent and gain Respect? You can't respect the man who HOPES, but you can respect the man who ACTS. You didn't play "Cowboys and Indians" as a child did you? Mom said it was violent? The ladies think you are all "caring and sweet? and you have tons of female friends, yet they date and marry and procreate with real men. Ones who can defend them when needed, NOT "feel" sweet and gentle. SUGGESTION: Read WILD AT HEART the book. It will fill in the blanks where parenting failed and the whipmy education system neutered you. Try it - SERIOUSLY!
YOUR POINT THREE: YOUR QUOTE "This mentality seems indicative of your generation, whereas my generation (yes, I am young in the 18-25 crowd), it would appear that many of “us” are starting to realize that we can’t have it all. That we can’t carry on in the “whatever it takes” fashion" FIRST: You can HAVE IT ALL, and America is the place it can happen and THE ONLY PLACE IT CAN HAPPEN. Just ask Bill Gates. You have been trained to think you CAN'T by the "Sissy System", but the SHE-OCRACY that is Mom's raising sons without men involved! You HAVE been Neutered! What do YOU want (real tangable item)and I will show you how to get there. YOU CAN HAVE A DO WHAT YOU WANT AS AN AMERICAN and that does NOT make us an Empire. You think WE (America) WANTS IT ALL? What a BRainwashed IDOT! Read Brainwashed the Book - it will SHOW you what has HAPPEND to you (and it's by a 24 year old Author!!!)
SNIP::::YOUR statement:
"pushing outdated morals and religious values on other cultures may not be the best ideas out there"
How do MORALS become outdated? Do you know what Morals are? HERE IS THE DEFINITION:
Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character: moral scrutiny; a moral quandary.
Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior: a moral lesson.
Conforming to standards of what is right or just in behavior; virtuous: a moral life.
Arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong: a moral obligation.
Having psychological rather than physical or tangible effects: a moral victory; moral support.
Based on strong likelihood or firm conviction, rather than on the actual evidence: a moral certainty.
Now HERE is an IDOT's belief:::
YOUR COMMENT SNIP "America started out as a young punk-ass country that thumbed it’s nose at anyone and everyone. We kept our actions self-serving and ignored the needs of others unless it further our cause. Sadly, it’s coming back to us"
Other than your Educated use of PUNK ASS, try researching WHAT AMERICA Gives to the other countries -vs.- what they give eah other and THEN prove your case for "self serving and ignoring the needs of others". YOU ARE A CORPORAL in the REGURGITATION REGEMENT!
YOUR COMMENT: Bretton-Woods Agreement) that gave rise to the World Bank and IMF.
What an IDIOTIC comparison. Did you take that out of a Text-Bok? Feel EDUCATED? Smart? Come one - what an absolute joke....
We help countries establish wold commerce that DID NOT have World Commerce. WE open the world to them and THEY PROSPERED. Fool. Look at WHO held the NOTES and WHO still does.... Mostly OTHER NATIONS...
YOUR COMMENT: " Which, oh my gosh, sounds like many of the reasons those big, bad, mean people don’t like us."
THEY don't like Ameirca because they think we have NO MORALS (just watch our movies and TV shows - THE TWO BIG EXPORTS OF THE US). They HATE America because WE can SEE a Dream and GO FOR IT!!!
This IS the STATEMENT of an AMERICAN HATER! Go back and re-read. You hate America and what we stand for, yet you say somethign different. You voted for Kerry didn't you? was that BEFORE or AFTER he voted Against the war?
Your comment: "So yes, I have had family members fight in wars for America, and yes, they were patriotic, but they knew that the wars were not for our Freedom of granted in the constitution. They knew something else was going on. "
Have YOU ever asked them? I bet you never have. I bet you just THINK that is what they would say. That's foolish and whimpish. Be a man - have some Balls and go ask some Vets and then make that statement.!
YOU SAID: "I love America. I truly do. But I, and my generation have to clean up and deal with the mess that you and your generation leave us"
Go abck and RE-READ your words. Those are NOT the words of someone who loves America. You love American VIDEO Games, the Gay Agenda, the LET-IT-ALL-HANG-Out Culture, don't ask/don't tell agenda. You don't LOVE AMERICA.
THE only think your Generation will clean up is Sexually Transmitted Disease, Dsyfuncational Children of Gay Parents, and the tras wake YOUR children will leave BECAUSE you think MORALS can become outdated.
I bet, and I mean this: 60% of your day is trash negative talk. You believe to each their own AS long as they don't get caught. You hate your life, your parents and probally only have 1 or 2 close friends (NO, not people you toke and beer binge with) but those that would feed, shelter and clothe you when you are down and out. I bet you think life sucks and only the rich get ahead. I bet you think life isn't fair and YOUR folks fucked it up for you.
That's a sad way to live.
You have control. Change whats goes into your brain and what you get out of life will change. IF you think our country is SHIT, then you will get SHIT back. Think our country is great and you'll stop pushing burgers, serving coffee and start your own Sarbucks and THEN you'll have something you can use to change the world to YOUR liking.
Hang in there DUDE! I'll help. I'll encourage you and I'll even write a plan for you to get there. WHY? Because YOU are an AMERICAN and in AMERICA - WE CAN DO IT!
Anonymous at least has you beat at the spelling and grammar game. Spell check, anyone?
Wow Social Commentator, your mental prowess astounds me. It really does. I do hope that all your syntax errors are purposeful and an attempt at being witty, but sadly, I don’t think that is the case.
Anyway, to make things easier, all your comments are going to be in bold and when you have quoted me, I will put my original comments will be in italics. Let’s have some fun, shall we? I know I will.
"there is always the possibility of “Terrorist” organizations using Nuclear devices as retaliatory act"
- wel my friend - this has ben a reality since the close of the Cold War and the dissolution of the USSR. So, we as American's have lived under this POTENTIAL threat for decades, but yet here we are and we (America) UNFORTUNATELY pays and paves the way for the rest of the world. You couch us as BAD, but yet we still PAY our enemies so they can eat and feed their people. WE are the ones who play nice! At ANY time, the Rouge Sates can toss a NUke, and I actually believe it WILL happen someday, but at least they know WHEN THEY DO - CHECK MATE- the game is over and they come to a liquidfied end. Right now, power is on our side to keep that from happening. IN this case, HOPE BUYS SQUAT, Power BUYS PROTECTION!
You know what’s scary to me? This is probably along the same lines of logic that the leaders in these ‘rogue states’ use in order to bolster support for them and ill will towards us. Anyway, the US wouldn’t be in this position if we didn’t fight our way kicking and screaming towards the top to be the global leader. The United States could have ended the arms build up against the Soviets whenever they wanted. We could have spear-headed an international Disarmament campaign instead of paying it lip-service. Why would we have done that? When you get rid of the fear of the “Red Menace” you get rid of the need to have an arms build-up. The Red Menace disappears, and Fundamentalist terrorists in the Middle East take their place. Throw in the fear that they have “The Bomb” and BAM! We are justified in the continual carrying of our big sticks.
As for your comment about giving money to our enemies; yes, we give financial aid to countries, but what are the reasons we do this? You would think that with the amazing budgeting problems that the United States has, we would think about cutting back some of the money that we are giving away, right?
Well, last year the number one to receive aid from us was Israel 2.58 Billion dollars. If you add up the foreign aid received by Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, Nigeria and Zambia, you get a total of 4.23 Billion dollars with Egypt receiving 1.84 Billion. So 9 countries total get less than 2 times the amount Israel gets… And to think, these terrorists groups are upset that we have allied ourselves with Israel (which, by the way, keeping them pumped with money guarantees us a sure foot in the Middle East). Oh, so you don’t get your panties in a knot, I got my information here.
"I don’t give a damn if Iran has Nukes. They aren’t a member of the Non-Proliferation treaty so they are not bound to the same rules and regulations that member states are"
rules schmules! YOU SHOULD care that Iran has Nukes. The Treaty meas squat to them and to Nuke-Mahmoud. You think tey play by the rules ANYWAY? According to them "Cutting Off The Head Of A Christian" is FOLLOWING the RULES EXACTLY. So what difference does the rules make? What are you gonna do? Put them in "TIME OUT" IF they don't follow the rules?
How can you expect me to take you seriously if you are making false analogies? Also, let’s not forget the sentiments of many Americans after 9.11 that some still have today (though, not as vociferously) about ‘Killing all the Muslims’ The retaliatory violence that took place here was disgusting. It was/is just as unwarranted and just as bad as retaliatory violence towards Christian Missionaries.
As far as "As for Mahmoud’s anti-US stance, I don’t really care... His loud-mouthed and inflammatory practices are no different than the religious zealots.....
FIRST, do you homework in your Middle Easter Studies... you call and infer that I and others are the ZEALOTS, but the ZEALOTS were actually a faction of the Original Jews who followed the Biblical Teachings Literally, just as the Jihadists are now. The roles have reversed. Nuke-Mahmoud is NOT a loudmouth inflamer, but a ZEALOT who ahs a prime opportunity to go down in Middle Eastern Relegion and Politics as the one who "called out and punished Isreal and America". He is NOT hiding and he is OUT IN THE OPEN with NO CARES about economic reprocussions. HE IS a clear and present danger. Don't write him off as a loudmouth. He means what he says and WILL act on it!.
Excuse me. I am terribly sorry. I had no idea that we were going to be using original definitions here. What I was merely trying to state (and using the current colloquial use of the term ‘zealot’) that there is no difference at all between the FANATICAL religious leaders here and the FANATICAL religious leaders in the Middle East.
What proof do you have that he will act on what he says? For all we know, he could be a loud-mouth braggart who is just looking to up his ‘cred’ in the “Axis of Evil” circle… (Sarcasm)
that we have here who are preaching a pro-Zionist, anti-Islamic agenda.
You are a GREAT STUDENT OF REGURGITATION and that, my friend is NOT somehting to be proud of. What IS Pro-Zionist? Do you even know? Where did it come from? How does that apply to us? Who IS Anti Islamic? America? WE ARE the LARGEST single contributor to their economy and financial well being? How are we ANTI-ISLAMIC? You're an IDOT, with a capital T. NOT an insult - just a fact. How can we be BOTH Islam's largest financial supporter and money prop AND be Anti-Islamic? You're an IDOT for buying the left "word play agenda". Study harder and quit be a Student of Regurgitated Slop!
Har, har, har. Pardon me for laughing at you. You accuse me of being a ‘GREAT STUDENT OF REGURGITATION’ which, I assume is a clever (not) way of calling me a liberal. I am going to take a page from your book and accuse you of the same thing. Mr. Social Commentator, I accuse you of being an ill-informed, knee-jerk Conservative capable of spouting incoherent analysis that you have heard, yet failed to internalize. Furthermore, I implore that YOU do some research and find out which Islamic countries get aid from the US. In fact, you could easily click on the link I supplied earlier and do some research. Yes, we may contribute money to them, but again, comparatively to say Israel, it’s nothing. And again, I ask, if they hate us so much, there has to be another reason we are giving them money. What is that reason?
"the least I can do is hope that this world is never in a situation where Nuclear weapons are to be used again"
HOPE? HOPE? How about going from HOPE and I need to be liked TO being STRONG and Dilligent and gain Respect? You can't respect the man who HOPES, but you can respect the man who ACTS. You didn't play "Cowboys and Indians" as a child did you? Mom said it was violent? The ladies think you are all "caring and sweet? and you have tons of female friends, yet they date and marry and procreate with real men. Ones who can defend them when needed, NOT "feel" sweet and gentle. SUGGESTION: Read WILD AT HEART the book. It will fill in the blanks where parenting failed and the whipmy education system neutered you. Try it - SERIOUSLY!
Amazing. Not only did you manage to ramble like an incoherent moron, but your adopted heterosexism has totally reared its ugly head. This sounds like the statement of a person who is repressing feelings that they aren’t comfortable with. But, since I like an argument (usually a good one), I will offer a reply.
Yes, I did play “Cowboys and Indians” as a child. I played football, soccer and I participated in Martial Arts. As for the Ladies thinking I am “caring and sweet” yeah. It totally helps me in that area of my life. Too me, that comment sounds to me like someone is also repressing bitter feelings towards women. Perhaps you are just unlucky in love/sex? I don’t know. That’s not really the subject of this blog… though nukes are pretty phallic. And please don’t get me started on the education system here in the US. The problems with it are too many to list.
"This mentality seems indicative of your generation, whereas my generation (yes, I am young in the 18-25 crowd), it would appear that many of “us” are starting to realize that we can’t have it all. That we can’t carry on in the “whatever it takes” fashion"
FIRST: You can HAVE IT ALL, and America is the place it can happen and THE ONLY PLACE IT CAN HAPPEN. Just ask Bill Gates. You have been trained to think you CAN'T by the "Sissy System", but the SHE-OCRACY that is Mom's raising sons without men involved! You HAVE been Neutered! What do YOU want (real tangable item)and I will show you how to get there. YOU CAN HAVE A DO WHAT YOU WANT AS AN AMERICAN and that does NOT make us an Empire. You think WE (America) WANTS IT ALL? What a BRainwashed IDOT! Read Brainwashed the Book - it will SHOW you what has HAPPEND to you (and it's by a 24 year old Author!!!)
Please tell me that “IDOT” is an acronym. I find it hard to believe that you spelled ‘idiot’ wrong multiple times.
Also, Caps lock is cruise control for cool and totally a great way to get your point across.
That’s all I really have to say for that.
"pushing outdated morals and religious values on other cultures may not be the best ideas out there"
How do MORALS become outdated? Do you know what Morals are? HERE IS THE DEFINITION:
Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character: moral scrutiny; a moral quandary.
Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior: a moral lesson.
Conforming to standards of what is right or just in behavior; virtuous: a moral life.
Arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong: a moral obligation.
Having psychological rather than physical or tangible effects: a moral victory; moral support.
Based on strong likelihood or firm conviction, rather than on the actual evidence: a moral certainty.
Ah morals. I was hoping you would go for this, and you did. Morals, in my opinion are silly when they are attempted to be applied to a large group of people. They should be a personal thing. You seem to be arguing as if you have morals on your side; that your morals are right. The problem with your attitude is that it asserts the existence of something that we have no way to know anything about. You, believing in good and evil would have me believe that there are "moral truths"—that is, there are things that are morally true of this world, in the same way that it is true that the sky is blue. You would claim that it is true of this world that murder is morally wrong just as it is true that water freezes at thirty two degrees. But we can investigate the freezing temperature of water scientifically: we can measure it and agree together that we have arrived at some kind of objective truth. Thus, the idea that there are universal moral laws is mere superstition: there really are no universal moral laws, just personal evaluations.
Now HERE is an IDOT's belief:::
"America started out as a young punk-ass country that thumbed it’s nose at anyone and everyone. We kept our actions self-serving and ignored the needs of others unless it further our cause. Sadly, it’s coming back to us"
Other than your Educated use of PUNK ASS, try researching WHAT AMERICA Gives to the other countries -vs.- what they give eah other and THEN prove your case for "self serving and ignoring the needs of others". YOU ARE A CORPORAL in the REGURGITATION REGEMENT!
I have provided the data. My supposition (which you will probably say is idotic (sic) and liberal ramblings) is that America is trying to become the dominant economic and military power through the use of imposed debts. When countries fail to pay, they will have two choices:
1. Submit to institutions like the IMF and World Bank for help
2. Be subject to forced American interventions and give up control of their economic capabilities and become akin to indentured servants.
Bretton-Woods Agreement) that gave rise to the World Bank and IMF.
What an IDIOTIC comparison. Did you take that out of a Text-Bok? Feel EDUCATED? Smart? Come one - what an absolute joke....
We help countries establish wold commerce that DID NOT have World Commerce. WE open the world to them and THEY PROSPERED. Fool. Look at WHO held the NOTES and WHO still does.... Mostly OTHER NATIONS...
I do feel smart. You, on the other hand, should not for not only do you have poor spelling, you missed my point completely. You originally made a false analogy bringing in WWII and it’s aftermath as a counter-point to me. Well, I took your counter-point and said that it gave rise to the institutions of the World Bank and IMF through the Bretton-Woods Agreement-which, and you left this part out These institutions of Capitalism have done a great deal to decrease tariffs and protections while opening up under-developed countries to Free Trade and all that comes with it. The striking away of laws, increased debts, increases in Power-dominant minorities and much of this has been beneficial to helping preserve the American Way of Life ™ Yes. We did help establish world commerce. We have forcefully opened up countries to trade using the IMF and their “Structural Adjustment Programs” and another institution called the WTO. Many of these countries weren’t ready for this. Look at all the market failures across the globe after Free-Market ‘Democracy’ was exported. Russia, Tokyo, Indonesia, etc. May I make a book suggestion to you? Read World on Fire by Amy Chua. It presents, in my opinion a damning case against unfettered trade.
Which, oh my gosh, sounds like many of the reasons those big, bad, mean people don’t like us.
THEY don't like Ameirca because they think we have NO MORALS (just watch our movies and TV shows - THE TWO BIG EXPORTS OF THE US). They HATE America because WE can SEE a Dream and GO FOR IT!!!
This IS the STATEMENT of an AMERICAN HATER! Go back and re-read. You hate America and what we stand for, yet you say somethign different. You voted for Kerry didn't you? was that BEFORE or AFTER he voted Against the war?
Haha. Kerry was a joke. Just as big of a joke as Bush and all the other candidates running. Living in my state (which is an uncontested conservative state) I chose not to vote. None of the republocrats were offering anything of value, or had anything to say that I cared about. I feel that I should stop writing now because you are most likely going to discredit me because I didn’t vote. But, since your answers are getting more and more hilarious with your spelling, grammar and obvious frustration, I will keep going.
"So yes, I have had family members fight in wars for America, and yes, they were patriotic, but they knew that the wars were not for our Freedom of granted in the constitution. They knew something else was going on. "
Have YOU ever asked them? I bet you never have. I bet you just THINK that is what they would say. That's foolish and whimpish. Be a man - have some Balls and go ask some Vets and then make that statement.!
Sadly, my grandfather passed away when I was infant, so I never got to hear him talk. But, according to my mother (who is as conservative as you are), he regretted for the rest of his life fighting in the Korean War. He lost many friends, killed too many innocent people, and didn’t buy the “Domino Theory” excuse.
I have two uncles who fought in the Vietnam Conflict. They too felt that it was an embarrassment to the United States for starting it. They told me that had they of known the truth behind the Golf of Tonkin incident, they would not have enlisted and gone to college instead.
One of my father’s friends was in the first Iraq War. He expresses disgust at the fact that the United States was willing to turn a blind eye on Saddam until he attacked our oil interests.
So yeah, how’s your foot taste?
"I love America. I truly do. But I, and my generation have to clean up and deal with the mess that you and your generation leave us"
Go abck and RE-READ your words. Those are NOT the words of someone who loves America. You love American VIDEO Games, the Gay Agenda, the LET-IT-ALL-HANG-Out Culture, don't ask/don't tell agenda. You don't LOVE AMERICA.
Yes, I will admit. I do enjoy video games. Almost as much as I love books and riding my bike. What’s wrong with don’t ask, don’t tell?
THE only think your Generation will clean up is Sexually Transmitted Disease, Dsyfuncational Children of Gay Parents, and the tras wake YOUR children will leave BECAUSE you think MORALS can become outdated.
I bet, and I mean this: 60% of your day is trash negative talk. You believe to each their own AS long as they don't get caught. You hate your life, your parents and probally only have 1 or 2 close friends (NO, not people you toke and beer binge with) but those that would feed, shelter and clothe you when you are down and out. I bet you think life sucks and only the rich get ahead. I bet you think life isn't fair and YOUR folks fucked it up for you.
That's a sad way to live.
You have control. Change whats goes into your brain and what you get out of life will change. IF you think our country is SHIT, then you will get SHIT back. Think our country is great and you'll stop pushing burgers, serving coffee and start your own Sarbucks and THEN you'll have something you can use to change the world to YOUR liking.
Hang in there DUDE! I'll help. I'll encourage you and I'll even write a plan for you to get there. WHY? Because YOU are an AMERICAN and in AMERICA - WE CAN DO IT!
Is this the part that you get all Jesus Freak on me? I hope you don’t have plans on getting re-married. Isn’t that a no-no in the eyes of god?
You know, when I first stumbled across your blog, even though I disagreed with you, I thought your opinions were well thought out and that you were smart. After this exchange that we have been having where your mentality has gone from smart to infantile, I am beginning to rethink my opinion. You have shown that you are like almost every other Conservative out there. You are quick to offer your cookie-cutter answers when first challenged. When I didn’t back down, your frustration and true mental prowess has shown and you are showing your true self. You put up a great façade Mr. Social Commentator, but I’m not buying it.
I will continue to read your blog for the sake of hilarity, but please, take some of your advice on getting some education if you want to do a better job of convincing me.
Apologies. The link that I posted can be found here.
YOU WROTE: Wow Social Commentator, your mental prowess astounds me. It really does. I do hope that all your syntax errors are purposeful and an attempt at being witty, but sadly, I don’t think that is the case.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: Man-o-man, I really do look like a fool. Yes, I was typing in a hurry – on wireless keyboard, no less, which skips letters here and there – to reply to your efforts respectfully and I did not go back and correct. Yep, I flubbed up. I am the IDOT – spelling intended- (I Didn’t Open Text-editor) LOL. My sloppy flinging of type. I will do my best to not have it happen again.
Now, lets continue this debate:
YOU WROTE: Anyway, the US wouldn’t be in this position if we didn’t fight our way kicking and screaming towards the top to be the global leader.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: America built a stong country, it is and always has been willing to play nice and help other countries. It is this and only this that created “America, The World Leader”. Super Powers are gone. We are the LONE standing Power. This is proof to the power of democracy – nothing else. I wish there were still other Super Powers that could help carry the weight of a needy world, but there are not. So, it is up to America to help out. We DID NOT fight our way here. Your comments show your HATE for the country that feeds, clothes and cares for YOU.
YOU WROTE: The United States could have ended the arms build up against the Soviets whenever they wanted.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: ARE YOU KIDDING? IF we would have pushed the button then, YOU would be screaming that THAT was why the World hates us. Just like being in the media or being a tech billionaire; you NEVER win, you ALWAYS have detractors and you NEVER make the right choice without OFFENDING SOMEONE. We are now a weak nation of “Please Don’t Offend Me’s”.
YOU WROTE: You would think that with the amazing budgeting problems that the United States has, we would think about cutting back some of the money that we are giving away, right?
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: I am much tougher and harder than most. IF I were President, I would IMMEDIATELY STOP ALL foreign aid, rewrite the rules to PROTECT THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH – AMEIRICA - and then, IF each Nation agreed, I would restart aid to those Nations. I would start by disolving the United Nations; that would occur once I cancled our Multi-Billion Dollar support of the U.N., thus forcing its demise.
YOU WROTE: Well, last year the number one to receive aid from us was Israel 2.58 Billion dollars. If you add up the foreign aid received by Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, Nigeria and Zambia, you get a total of 4.23 Billion dollars with Egypt receiving 1.84 Billion. So 9 countries total get less than 2 times the amount Israel gets…
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: You actually proved my point here. I’ts not about HOW MUCH, it’s just about the fact we GIVE, PERIOD. So you are upset we give more to a friendly country like Isreal? Would you rather us give MORE to those who hate us? Do YOU pay people who don’t like you, to like you? Who do YOU care more about in YOUR life? (A)Those who hate you or (B) those who support you? Who do you support back? It’s a simple issue here and YOU proved my point. BIG BAD AMERICA (as you call it) STILL gives to those who hate it and all in an attempt to play nice, help out and help smooth over tensions. Face it, you are an ISREAL HATER.
YOU WROTE: How can you expect me to take you seriously if you are making false analogies?
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: Exactly what was false?
YOU WROTE: Also, let’s not forget the sentiments of many Americans after 9.11 that some still have today (though, not as vociferously) about ‘Killing all the Muslims’ The retaliatory violence that took place here was disgusting.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: That is WEAK. What does that prove? What retaliatory violence? A single 7-11 worker shooting? OR, the Muslim Student who drove HIS SUV into a crowd on campus to get revenge hurting 16? The knife cuts both ways, but Americans and Allied Supports are the ones who end up on the serrated edge meeting death with their eyes open to the violence of Muslim Extremists. Boy, you really do hate America. Ever thought of visiting the Middle East? I bet they would embrace your America hating, welcome you with open arms and reward you by handing you YOUR head on a platter! You made a very poor, unrelated point that proves nothing!
YOU WROTE: What I was merely trying to state (and using the current colloquial use of the term ‘zealot’) that there is no difference at all between the FANATICAL religious leaders here and the FANATICAL religious leaders in the Middle East.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: There are several non-debatable differences between the two:
1. America lets women vote, work and achieve.
3. America does not kill you IF you don’t comply.
4. America does not KILL you for speaking out.
5. America does not KILL you for being who YOU are.
6. America does not KILL you for reading certain books or publishing your thoughts openly (this blog, case-and-point)
7. And, I could keep going... You really DO HATE AMERICA!
YOU WROTE: What proof do you have that he will act on what he says? For all we know, he could be a loud-mouth braggart who is just looking to up his ‘cred’ in the “Axis of Evil” circle… (Sarcasm)
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: CASE-AND-POINT: You may choose to treat it as a joke, but HIS country creates and supports terror. That is what makes the REAL STATEMENT. You would throw your support to anyone that hates America, wouldn’t you? Why even call yourself an American?
YOU WROTE: And again, I ask, if they hate us so much, there has to be another reason we are giving them money. What is that reason?
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: I guess you could state the following as reasons we GIVE to them:
1. We are trying to PLAY NICE.
2. We are adopting the LIBERAL PUSSY route of “Please Like ME –PLEASE!”
3. We want to make sure we keep getting oil! (our economy and the World economy DIES instantly without it – this is something we should fix, FAST!)
4. As a ransom to try and keep them from cutting off the heads of aid workers and tourists.
5. So bloggers like me have something to shove in the face of PUSSY LIBERAL AMERICA HATERS like YOU?
YOU WROTE: Amazing. Not only did you manage to ramble like an incoherent moron, but your adopted heterosexism has totally reared its ugly head. This sounds like the statement of a person who is repressing feelings that they aren’t comfortable with.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: WHO SAID I WAS HETERO? Who said I hate GAY people OR Gay Sex? I didn’t. I am completely AWARE of my sexuality and have explored it FULLY (over and over, I might add) but I hate WHIMPY MEN who hide behind skirts. Who won’t stand up and defend their country. Who think that being a man is equated with being “Sensitive”. Sensitive is my prostrate when being tickled to eruption (Get the picture? Smell your finger! LOL) But, when DEFENDING AMERICA there is NO such thing as SENSITIVITY.
As far as HETERO? What do you look like? Oh, yes, you are too young. I tend to like mature and wise. ROFL. Just as a young woman could look great in a tight skirt and supple body, but IF there are NO BRAINS it does NOTHING for me. As Austin Powers says “Tons of unprotected promiscuous sex without consequences” – I’ve been there and done that – but there has to be more than JUST a sex organ to get my biggest sex organ (my brain) going. Man cannot live by sex organs alone!
YOU WROTE: But, since I like an argument (usually a good one), I will offer a reply. Yes, I did play “Cowboys and Indians” as a child. I played football, soccer and I participated in Martial Arts. As for the Ladies thinking I am “caring and sweet” yeah. It totally helps me in that area of my life. Too me, that comment sounds to me like someone is also repressing bitter feelings towards women. Perhaps you are just unlucky in love/sex? I don’t know.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: Well, to address the issue: “bitter feelings towards women” NONE, but bitter feelings towards men who think they are women? I have feelings. What are they?
1. Your sexuality does not demand you become a flamer to advertise. You are just perpetuating a stereotype and advertising for sex.
2. You have lost your identity. Identity is WHO you are as a human, not how you get your SEXUAL NUT. They are TWO different things. Being human and honorable DOES NOT include your sex organ preference.
As for me: Very, very, very lucky in sex, but failed miserably in love. Gave my attention those unworthy of my love and for too long confused sex with love. But, then again, ANONO, a “reach around” does not equate love and YOU’ll learn that!
I hope to be fortunate enough in life to find the right woman and to have ten kids, but I have not arrived there yet. I’m only 41 so there is still hope. Any takers?
YOU WROTE: And please don’t get me started on the education system here in the US. The problems with it are too many to list.
YOU WROTE: Please tell me that “IDOT” is an acronym. I find it hard to believe that you spelled ‘idiot’ wrong multiple times.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR:I was the IDIOT in my last post. Very, very sloppy. I accept it!
YOU WROTE: Also, Caps lock is cruise control for cool and totally a great way to get your point across.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: You can’t hear the inflection in my voice or see my hands swing, so I add flavor. Just MY style. I don’t want to be like other PEOPLE!
YOU WROTE: Ah morals. I was hoping you would go for this, and you did.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: I did not treat it as BAIT that you flung my way, I happen to take MORALS as seriously as they should be taken.
YOU WROTE: Morals, in my opinion are silly when they are attempted to be applied to a large group of people. They should be a personal thing.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: Morals are ABSOLUTE not RELATIVE. As you age you will SEE and LEARN this point. This is why our younger generation is sick and failing; we failed as parents to teach morals. This is the Baby Bommers fault. You can’t help it – it was all you were taught. It is THIS single issue alone that make you LEFT and WEAK, simply because YOU can justify ANYTHING!
YOU WROTE: Thus, the idea that there are universal moral laws is mere superstition: there really are no universal moral laws, just personal evaluations.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: I though you were just a LIBERAL, I was wrong. You are misguided and without a driving compass. Morals are NOT just “Personal Evaluations”. Every THOUGHT LEADER throughout time has proven that to SURVIVE as a species, we MUST have and embrace morals and make use of a moral compass. To do otherwise is foolish. Your way of thinking is what justifies murder, rape, abortion and may other malignant cancers run amuck in America and the World. When or IF you have a child, and a pedophile rapes that child – would you then believe that you DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO JUDGE that person since his “personal evaluations” said it was okay for him to commit such an act? Apply the “personal evaluation” thermometer to any event that has happened in your life that equates crime, hurt, suppression or devastation, and see if it STICKS. You’ll find it won’t. Try it on your friends – those who have lost loved ones to murder and such, only to see justice NOT served, and then try your “it’s relative and NOT ABSOLUTE debate”. It simple won’t work and does not apply.
YOU WROTE: It presents, in my opinion a damning case against unfettered trade.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: Unfettered Trade. Do you even know what that means? You think of it in terms of America being big and bad, but what is really means is that how we trade and exchange can hurt our country and we should take a closer look at it. We should be responsible to our country AS MUCH AS if not MORE than we are to the DOLLAR!
YOU WROTE: Haha. Kerry was a joke. Just as big of a joke as Bush and all the other candidates running.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: 2008 is going to be a challenge. I support PRESIDENT BUSH on many things but on some current issues I DO NOT. Some of his steps have angered me, BUT I vote my values and morals NOT my emotions. And YES, I understand fully NOT voting when there is not a viable candidate- for I have done such. NEVER vote the lesser of two evils. We have one weak way to vote: Casting a ballot. AND ONE Strong way to Vote: OUR dollars.
YOU WROTE: I feel that I should stop writing now because you are most likely going to discredit me because I didn’t vote.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: WE actually have many things in common!
YOU WROTE: But, according to my mother (who is as conservative as you are), he regretted for the rest of his life fighting in the Korean War. He lost many friends, killed too many innocent people, and didn’t buy the “Domino Theory” excuse.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: NOT MY WORDS, but they speak for themselves:
The domino theory was a 20th Century foreign policy theory that speculated if one land in a region came under the influence of Communists, then more would follow in a domino effect. The domino effect indicates that some change, small in itself, will cause a similar change nearby, which then will cause another similar change, and so on in linear sequence, by analogy to a falling row of dominoes standing on end.
The theory was used by many United States leaders during the Cold War to justify U.S. intervention in the Vietnam War. The domino theory was applied by President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his top advisers in 1954 to describe the prospects of communist expansion in Asia if Indochina were to fall. Eisenhower argued that all of southeast Asia could fall. The theory's ultimate validity remained mixed, and debatable. After the U.S. left Vietnam, the North took over the South, and Cambodia and Laos had also turned to Communism, although Cambodia is no longer a communist state. This limited spread of Communism in Indochina provides ammunition for opponents of the theory, but both sides argue that the historical record overall supports their position.
In the 1980s, the domino theory was used again to justify the Reagan administration's interventions in Central America and the Caribbean region.
From its first conception, many have disputed central assumptions of the domino theory, for instance by arguing that Communist States lacked the tradition of cooperation the theory assumes (eg Cambodia attacked Vietnam, to which Vietnam responded by overthrowing the Khmer Rouge government). Supporters however have continued to argue it was a sensible policy in the context of the times.
YOU WROTE: I have two uncles who fought in the Vietnam Conflict. They too felt that it was an embarrassment to the United States for starting it.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: America started the Vietnam Conflict? Since when? That is really misguided!
YOU WROTE: He expresses disgust at the fact that the United States was willing to turn a blind eye on Saddam until he attacked our oil interests.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: As soon as HE made assertions to cutting us off from oil, we had to assure our survival. I would have made the SAME CHOICE. Try to get along. Try to negotiate. Try to make peace UNTIL the time comes they make a solid move to hurt our people and Nation. This is what ones does to PROTECT THE NATION!!!
YOU WROTE: So yeah, how’s your foot taste?
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: Depends on which you use for your fetish. Honey – Almond Cream – Kama Sutra. Red Shoe anyone? As opposed to RED GLOVE? LOL
YOU WROTE: What’s wrong with don’t ask, don’t tell?
Actually - I didn’t ask, so don’t tell.
YOU WROTE: Is this the part that you get all Jesus Freak on me? I hope you don’t have plans on getting re-married. Isn’t that a no-no in the eyes of god?
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: Jesus Freak? Can’t FREAK OUT a Moral Relativist. I would LOVE to be remarried. Yes, Old Testiment and all. BTW, I am a sinner, big sinner, huge sinner, sexual sinner, emotional sinner, literal sinner BUT I have Moral Absolutes and try my best to be my best. By the way, God is with a Captial “G”. Small “g” you can leave to the Egyptians, Hindus and Buddhists, none of which I am. But, as a Messianic Jew, I really should write G-d.
YOU WROTE: You know, when I first stumbled across your blog, even though I disagreed with you, I thought your opinions were well thought out and that you were smart.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: I hope you forgive my typos and rush, I was the one in error. I rushed on something that deserved respect; a response to you. You gave much of your time for this exchange and I did not honor your effort by checking my spelling and such. Won’t happen again. I was wrong.
YOU WROTE: I will continue to read your blog for the sake of hilarity, but please, take some of your advice on getting some education if you want to do a better job of convincing me.
SOCIAL COMMENTATOR: THANK YOU for your time and effort devoted to my blog, but spelling does not equate education. I will do a better job. Promise, but can’t devote anymore time to this issue. Other ones are pressing.
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