The Religion of Leftism

For the past few weeks now we have been hearing various Left-Senators call for "An Immediate Withdraw from Iraq", but just the other day Joe Leiberman (a Left Senator) spoke of how we would be "fools to conduct an immediate withdraw from Iraq and that such a withdraw would be devastating to the people and progress of Iraq". Same party - radically different views!
Such conversation and ideas started me thinking about how "leftism" seems to of lost its ability to use common sense and judgment when looking at and evaluating an idea. Yes, I am a conservative and what makes me a conservative is when I cross-check my personal values and beliefs against what each party focuses on politically. So, I fall within the conservative category.
Thus, there is were I cast my voice- my vote.
In my personal opinion, how can someone not be for God, Freedom, Family and Country? But, there are stranger things in this Universe - like... did you know a 14 year old must get a parental consent form signed to tan at the local tanning salon in some communities, due to the dangers of skin cancer? Yet, this same young girl can go around the corner and get an abortion and not have her parents notified!
Just that ONE example - to me (and maybe only to me) screams how what were originally good intentions have become a fanatical religion. It seems that common sense and facts don't and won't prevail as long as it's "Cool and hip to be LEFT". America's secular society's need to "fit in and be seen as hip" has lead them down a path where they will fight for a horned owl more than the life of a human being. Or, better said, where the need for parental approval and guidance to avoid SKIN CANCER trumps parental guidance and approval to avoid ABORTION.
God, what is wrong with us? How did soft fluffy issues become the basis of one's religion?
There are many who will die for a tree, owl, fish or obscure insect before they would die for the greatest country on the Planet. We used to die for God and Country - Values and Morals. When did it change? This both concerns me and perplexes me.