Friday, April 28, 2006

Know Thy Enemy

Know Thy Enemy!

Today the Nation is a buzz regarding the release of the movie “United 93”. I have been hearing all day about how people have been moved by this movie. Yes, the left is in an uproar saying the production and release of the movie is “insensitive”.

As for me?

I think it important to remember who our enemy is and do just as the Bible teaches “Know Thy Enemy”. BTW, I am taking my son. He is ready and willing to see it and he has a deeply patriotic heart. At worst case, we’ll have to have a long talk about what happened. But I still feel it is important for him to see.

Our enemies, Islamic Fascists are serious about exterminating the plague they have identified as “America”. We in turn should face the reality of their fanatical beliefs. All over Islamic countries they sell “Jihad Video” and have friends and family over to watch and celebrate the beheading of Americans. In fact, most people do not even know that these Islamic Fascists, when they plan terror attacks, actually coordinate and schedule with Al Jezera TV who has crews stand off at a distance and record the terror attacks.

This cannot be taken lightly. 9-11 was the darkest day in American History!

I will post my full story AFTER I see this important movie.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Nuclear Isolation – Nuclear Desolation

Tensions and Ideology Isolation between the West and Iran escalated yesterday when hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad confidently that Iran had joined the world's nuclear nations by successfully enriching uranium. You know, not Enriched White Bread, but Enriched Uranium the critical component to launching a “melt-down of everything as we know it”!

Ahmadinejad insisted Tehran was only interested in peaceful nuclear power and was not pursuing nuclear weapons, but then again he supports the beheading of Americans as his “Religious Right” and the destruction of Israel as a “necessary evil”. NOT really someone who word you can fully trust if you look at the indisputable facts. Nuke Mahmoud’s comments were made on national television comes with speculation, convenient leakage or an “in-your-face-go-ahead-and-make-my-day play” that Washington has begun planning air attacks against Iran.
"Defiant statements and actions only further isolate the regime from the rest of the world, and further isolate the Iranian people," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. But something tells me that Nuke-Mahmoud feels he is actually making a statement of Consolidation – “Consolidating hate for America and the West and Consolidating the Radical Islamic Nations together”.

Now here is a paradox for you:
Greeny-Wennie Peace Nics who hate America (but in fact live in America – but I won’t call them Americans) in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s protested AGAINST NUKES, do you think now they will rush over to Iran and strap themselves to the reactors and labs and protest FOR Iran’s right to have NUKES? That just about how the two-faced left side works. Against Religion in America, but FOR Religion in a third world Nation as long as they Hate America, Kill Americans, and want socialism! You watch some leftist will step up to DEFEND Iran’s right to Nuclear manufacturing and weapons.

In Washington, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said "The US is on a diplomatic track. That is the President's decision. That's where our European allies are. There is obviously concern about Iran. It's a country that supports terrorists. It's a country that has indicated an interest in having weapons of mass destruction.”

So, the facts are: Iran supports terrorists, hates America, wants weapons of mass destruction and currently has Israel and American hating Nuke-Mahmoud at the helm. What do YOU think is best for our country?

IF the threats are real and Nuke-Mahmoud keeps posturing and stirring up the Radical Islamic Terrorists, then I for one who be willing to support a swift dose of Nuclear Desolation in that American Hating Nation! How about you? Are you for Nation Preservation?

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Mexican Standoff

The Mexican Standoff

Isn’t it funny that the Dictionary has the definition of a “Mexican Standoff” as:

mexican standoff
n : a situation in which no one can emerge as a clear winner

Boy, that is an understatement! I strongly support President Bush on most issues, but on this one I think the Republican Party is out of control. I could write thousands of eloquent words here pontificating my selfish views on the “Illegal Immigration Issue” AND NOTE – this is an ILLEGAL immigration issue here NOT and IMMIGRATION issue and there is a BIG difference.

I am the son of an Immigrant. I owe my opportunities and even my ability to post this blog story to the American Immigration System working. But that is only the point of LEGAL IMMIGRATION; the way the system was designed to work. Not ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. So, instead of long words on this (because this issue WILL be drawn out and I will be publishing more) consider these simple but profound facts:

This is Legal Immigration –vs.- Illegal Immigration.
The way it is SUPPOSED to be done to ENHANCE the system –vs.- how it HURTS the system.
One way to end a Poverty Class of a nation IS NOT to send them to another country.
If we claim that Mexican Workers will do the work that American FAT AND HAPPY workers will not – then consider this:
The Illegal comes here and has children. The husband and wife do the work us fat, happy and spoiled America Workers will NOT DO, but since the Illegal Mexican Family does not send their Children to school to learn to pick Vegetables, then what do their children do?
OOPS, next round of workers gone and we need MORE ILLEGALS to do the work that Americans WON’T (that’s BS BTW, we WILL do it IF that was all there was – JUST ask my Depression Grown father)

This is about an ORGANIZED SYSTEM that benefits the NATION AS A WHOLE. This face off has to end when it’s just about Politics and NEW CROP VOTERS. We have to look at the WHOLE NATIONAL PICTURE. This is about our Nation and WHY WE MADE IT GREAT and HOW WE STAY GREAT.

It’s hard to believe the wisdom below is almost 100 years old. But READ AND HEED:

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Can I Get An AMEN?

Can I Get An AMEN?

That was one of the last words I focused in on when I was first exposed to this – this – THIS – Charismatic Preacher. But, I really this I could swap Charismatic with Kleptomaniac (LOL).

Most who know me, know that I have perused a life long interest in Theology – Specifically the field of Apologetics. My interests this area has already been very intense and aside from being a Messianic Jew myself (for a brief explanation of such “Today there are over 200 Messianic Synagogues in the United States and approximately 50 in Israel. The movement's rapid growth continues, with new congregations being started in the former Soviet Union, Latin America, and in key cities around the world. Messianic Jewish followers of Jesus use His Hebrew name -- Yeshua (which means "salvation") -- and are committed to preserving their Jewish identity, believing it to be perfectly compatible with their newfound faith. They celebrate the Jewish feasts, meet on the Sabbath, teach from the Torah, celebrate Bar Mitzvahs and engage in other Jewish customs. Messianic synagogues are formed by Jewish and Gentile members who worship together and who recognize the Messiahship of Yeshua and the Jewish foundation of His message), I have always attended Christian Churches, attend Traditional Christian Seminary for Supplemental Education and explored other Churches and other faiths. I regularly attend my Messianic Synagogue on Saturday and then Christian Churches on Sunday.

But rarely will I actually write about a Preacher, but; I have to write about this Comic Book Character Posing as a Man Of God and Pentecostal Preacher.

This fellow’s church is no more than 1000 yards away from my Neighborhood and I thought it would be great to find a Christian Church to attend “right across the street” rather than trek the 45 minutes I have to attend the Christian Church I have been attending. So I dropped in one Sunday. First Impressions? As I pulled in the Church parking lot which promised a “Celebration” the first thing I noticed was the initial 5 or 6 parking spaces you reach (in fact they are a separate cubby unto themselves) are marked in huge letters and LARGE SIGNS “Reserved For Preacher”. Imaging the type of signage that would be normally found in a Hospital Entrance for “Emergency Vehicles ONLY!”

The first thought that ran to my mind was (1) this is not very welcoming, and (2) wow – this is for the Preacher! – SHOULD be welcoming FIRST TIME VISITORS! This Preacher MUST think he is God’s Gift to his Congregation. But, I put the negative thoughts away and walked in. The inside was a nice new building, not too flashy and the people attending to the attendees were all dressed “Hip and Cool” and seemed to be tan – very tanned (in the dead of winter). Headed for the assembly hall and it was sparse, but a huge stage. Horrible chairs and they were trying to make the sermon be multi-media (as all the rage here in Texas and across the country), but they seemed to be just getting started and doing it all on a shoestring. You know, when we have the budget in the coffers, we’ll upgrade!

Then the show began. Mrs. Big Hair came out and sang. A cross between old school Tammy Faye Baker, meets John Bon Jovi on stage (since we was accompanied by a Lead Guitarists with spiked hair). After a while you learn she is the Co-Pastor (the new stage name for a Preacher’s wife). Then here comes the Preacher (who set an impression in my mind as to the HUGE state of HIS mind), and sure enough – he went right along with Smiley Tammy Faye. He was tanned, hip, cool, blinged, open shirted (did I mention the tan was fake?), multi-chained (think “Denny Terrio and Dance Fever”), expensive shoed AND the Coup-de-Grace? This guy was wearing a ROLEX and about four highly jeweled rings.

The only thing this guy did not flash was a gold-diamond-studded tooth!

His message? Well his message was about “How you need to support the church to help it grow and get God’s message out (for my Messianic Brothers and Sisters – G-d’s)”. This fellow was asking for financial support WHILE wearing thousands of dollars of expensive jewelry and clothes and working MORE on being hip than helpful. Talk about Self-Appointed and Self-Anointed. I could not leave the service fast enough and have never been back to that Church (although it is VERY convenient to my home). There was just something wrong about a Preacher wearing a Rolex with his WELCOME TO MY RESEVERVED PARKING SPACE Church. It did not set well with me.

Now why would I write about this story IF it happened last winter? First, I Jesus was here now – he would be hanging out with me! Why? Not because I am good or great, but because I am SO SINFUL, have such a dark past AND can think and act on some pretty horrible things. I embrace it. Jesus would be working on me to make an example out of me. I would embrace him! So with that said, I don’t write this from a “hoity toity” position, but from a lay man – bonafide sinners position. Give me a Preacher who is grounded and real, not caught is in Consumerism. Give me a Pastor who I can emulate his actions not his dress code and jewelry habits. Let me hear from a Rabbi who has “been there and done that” only to become better, not one who has “big hair and dresses PHAT!” I want my Cha-Ching to bless the Church NOT the Preacher’s Bling-Bling! Know what I mean?

Oh, I almost forgot. Why would I just now write about this Sad Secularized Preacher experience, when this all happened month’s ago?

I ran into to him at the car wash this morning. Him fresh out of his service, holding court with a really shapely young thing, goo-gooing and gaga-ing over his tan body and bleached teeth. Not that there was anything really wrong with that – she was cute. But he was just getting his NEW BMW 760 Li Sedan MSRP $118,900 -cleaned and waxed EVEN THOUGH THE PAPER PLATES were 10 DAYS OLD! Am I being too cynical? What do you think?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Things Are NOT Always As They Seem

I did an interview for the Wall Street Journal the other day. Spent over an hour on the phone rehashing the Dot Bomb Era and and my own Pussy Galore ;} a.k.a CueCat with a rather personal online reporter.

Seems I am always being interviewed about the Digital Days and it always seems most start out wanting to dish the same dirt, but after awhile many realize there really was something there and unique and that - that point in time in history was very unique - and there is a bigger story than the 'World's Greatest Salesman Sells The World" angle-slash-hack-dot-bust one.

Timing is everything. Just ask Bill Gates. I ran into him in Dallas while he was here for a Microsoft Conference, and I could not help over breakfast reflect on the THREE BILLS. No, not the "Queer as a Three Dollar Bill" saying that really fits well with the lifestyle of most local magazine and rag newspaper editors, but the THREE DIFFERENT BILLS, i.e., (1) Bill the Billionaire, (2) Bill the "I want to own the world" fictitious character made use by sexually repressed Geeks who "Love to Hate", and (3) Bill the real guy who eats breakfast just like all of use, and puts his clothes on just like all of us. Thus the saying:

When I was on ABC and FOX TV and doing the Internet Correspondent Reporting gig, all I would hear about was "Bill Gates wants to own the World", "Bill Gates is the Anti-Christ", "Microsoft wants to monitor all you do on your PC" and I can relate to my own Pussy Galore Experiences and realize, that no matter what you do, no matter how well (or poor) you do it, there are ALWAYS more people who want to shoot you down rather than boost you up. This seems to be especially true of "Geeks Hiding Behind Computers", "Local Market Rag Writers" and "Jump On The Band Wagon - Can't come up with an original idea of my own Bloggers and Flops"- case and point - an old employee who I had remove Gargoyle Statues from his office 8 years ago and he STILL post about that today! That's ALOT of wasted time and thought on something as insigificant as me and the act which I committed. Get a life.
That brought my Bill Gates reflection into sharp focus: " Thought Leaders forging pathways will sometimes fail, but the true failures are those who can't muster an original thought!"
So BILL #2 is really a myth and a geek form of "true penis envy", and as Bill Gates SHOULD say, "You don't need a big Dong, when you have a billion bucks!" Take that envious hate posters!
But BILL #1 is Real. He is a mega-Billionaire, but BEFORE he IS Bill Gates the Billionaire he WAS and IS and ALWAYS WILL BE, Bill Gates the real guy. Great mind, great drive, father, husband and now benevelonant benefactor to the world.
We really owe much to Bill, Steve and crew because with out them there would quite possible be NO Internet, no blogs, no email and no DIGITAL anything. In fact, IF it was not for BILL, geeks could not post HATE MESSAGES about Bill and Microsoft. Gives you pause. Think about it. He takes the heat and verbal abuse for doing a great job and making a million at a, and bec use he did what he did, you can post all kinds of "free-speech-hate". It's kinda like thinking about all the wires it takes just to make a wireless network. One was real work and the other we now take for granted.
So the point? It's easy to bitch, moan, complain, play the race card, skip school for meaningless protests and post anonmous post, but it's far far harder to create something from the ground up, leave your mark on the world and keep having great ideas for the world to develop.
As for me? No bitch, no moan, my time is too precious. There is ALWAYS MORE THAN MEETS the eye - even in the photo above.
Do something - Create Something!